IPTC Core schema

This schema specifies the IPTC Core XMP properties.

Reference: "IPTC Core" Specification Version 1.2

Note: Exiv2 uses iptc (rather than Iptc4xmpCore) as the group name for keys of IPTC Core schema properties.

Property Label Value type Exiv2 type Category Description
CreatorContactInfo Creator's Contact Info ContactInfo XmpText External The creator's contact information provides all necessary information to get in contact with the creator of this news object and comprises a set of sub-properties for proper addressing.
CiAdrExtadr Contact Info-Address Text XmpText External sub-key Creator Contact Info: address. Comprises an optional company name and all required information to locate the building or postbox to which mail should be sent.
CiAdrCity Contact Info-City Text XmpText External sub-key Creator Contact Info: city.
CiAdrRegion Contact Info-State/Province Text XmpText External sub-key Creator Contact Info: state or province.
CiAdrPcode Contact Info-Postal Code Text XmpText External sub-key Creator Contact Info: local postal code.
CiAdrCtry Contact Info-Country Text XmpText External sub-key Creator Contact Info: country.
CiEmailWork Contact Info-Email Text XmpText External sub-key Creator Contact Info: email address.
CiTelWork Contact Info-Phone Text XmpText External sub-key Creator Contact Info: phone number.
CiUrlWork Contact Info-Web URL Text XmpText External sub-key Creator Contact Info: web address.
IntellectualGenre Intellectual Genre Text XmpText External Describes the nature, intellectual or journalistic characteristic of a news object, not specifically its content.
Scene IPTC Scene bag closed Choice of Text XmpBag External Describes the scene of a photo content. Specifies one or more terms from the IPTC "Scene-NewsCodes". Each Scene is represented as a string of 6 digits in an unordered list.
SubjectCode IPTC Subject Code bag closed Choice of Text XmpBag External Specifies one or more Subjects from the IPTC "Subject-NewsCodes" taxonomy to categorize the content. Each Subject is represented as a string of 8 digits in an unordered list.
Location Location Text XmpText External (legacy) Name of a location the content is focussing on -- either the location shown in visual media or referenced by text or audio media. This location name could either be the name of a sublocation to a city or the name of a well known location or (natural) monument outside a city. In the sense of a sublocation to a city this element is at the fourth level of a top-down geographical hierarchy.
CountryCode Country Code closed Choice of Text XmpText External (legacy) Code of the country the content is focussing on -- either the country shown in visual media or referenced in text or audio media. This element is at the top/first level of a top-down geographical hierarchy. The code should be taken from ISO 3166 two or three letter code. The full name of a country should go to the "Country" element.