IPTC Extension schema

This schema specifies the IPTC Extension XMP properties. The IPTC Extension schema extends and complements the IPTC Core schema by a set of more granular properties and further specialized rights related properties from the PLUS metadata schema.

Reference: IPTC Extension Specification Version 1.2 standard

Note: Exiv2 uses iptcExt (rather than Iptc4xmpExt) as the group name for keys of IPTC Extension schema properties.

Property Label Value type Exiv2 type Category Description
AddlModelInfo Additional model info Text XmpText External Information about the ethnicity and other facts of the model(s) in a model-released image.
OrganisationInImageCode Code of featured Organisation bag Text XmpBag External Code from controlled vocabulary for identifying the organisation or company which is featured in the image.
CVterm Controlled Vocabulary Term bag URI XmpBag External A term to describe the content of the image by a value from a Controlled Vocabulary.
ModelAge Model age bag Integer XmpBag External Age of the human model(s) at the time this image was taken in a model released image.
OrganisationInImageName Name of featured Organisation bag Text XmpBag External Name of the organisation or company which is featured in the image.
PersonInImage Person shown bag Text XmpBag External Name of a person shown in the image.
DigImageGUID Digital Image Identifier Text XmpText External Globally unique identifier for this digital image. It is created and applied by the creator of the digital image at the time of its creation. this value shall not be changed after that time.
DigitalSourcefileType Physical type of original photo URI XmpText External The type of the source digital file.
Event Event Lang Alt LangAlt External Names or describes the specific event at which the photo was taken.
MaxAvailHeight Maximum available height Integer XmpText External The maximum available height in pixels of the original photo from which this photo has been derived by downsizing.
MaxAvailWidth Maximum available width Integer XmpText External The maximum available width in pixels of the original photo from which this photo has been derived by downsizing.
RegistryId Registry Entry bag RegistryEntryDetails XmpBag External Both a Registry Item Id and a Registry Organisation Id to record any registration of this digital image with a registry.
RegItemId Registry Entry-Item Identifier Text XmpText External A unique identifier created by a registry and applied by the creator of the digital image. This value shall not be changed after being applied. This identifier is linked to a corresponding Registry Organisation Identifier.
RegOrgId Registry Entry-Organisation Identifier Text XmpText External An identifier for the registry which issued the corresponding Registry Image Id.
IptcLastEdited IPTC Fields Last Edited Date XmpText External The date and optionally time when any of the IPTC photo metadata fields has been last edited.
LocationShown Location Shown bag LocationDetails XmpBag External A location shown in the image.
LocationCreated Location Created bag LocationDetails XmpBag External The location the photo was taken.
City Location-City Text XmpText External Name of the city of a location.
CountryCode Location-Country ISO-Code Text XmpText External The ISO code of a country of a location.
CountryName Location-Country Name Text XmpText External The name of a country of a location.
ProvinceState Location-Province/State Text XmpText External The name of a subregion of a country - a province or state - of a location.
Sublocation Location-Sublocation Text XmpText External Name of a sublocation. This sublocation name could either be the name of a sublocation to a city or the name of a well known location or (natural) monument outside a city.
WorldRegion Location-World Region Text XmpText External The name of a world region of a location.
ArtworkOrObject Artwork or object in the image bag ArtworkOrObjectDetails XmpBag External A set of metadata about artwork or an object in the image.
AOCopyrightNotice Artwork or object-Copyright notice Text XmpText External Contains any necessary copyright notice for claiming the intellectual property for artwork or an object in the image and should identify the current owner of the copyright of this work with associated intellectual property rights.
AOCreator Artwork or object-Creator seq ProperName XmpSeq External Contains the name of the artist who has created artwork or an object in the image. In cases where the artist could or should not be identified the name of a company or organisation may be appropriate.
AODateCreated Artwork or object-Date Created Date XmpText External Designates the date and optionally the time the artwork or object in the image was created. This relates to artwork or objects with associated intellectual property rights.
AOSource Artwork or object-Source Text XmpText External The organisation or body holding and registering the artwork or object in the image for inventory purposes.
AOSourceInvNo Artwork or object-Source inventory number Text XmpText External The inventory number issued by the organisation or body holding and registering the artwork or object in the image.
AOTitle Artwork or object-Title Lang Alt LangAlt External A reference for the artwork or object in the image.