This schema specifies XMP properties used by Adobe Photoshop.
Property | Label | Value type | Exiv2 type | Category | Description |
DateCreated | Date Created | Date | XmpText | External | The date the intellectual content of the document was created (rather than the creation date of the physical representation), following IIM conventions. For example, a photo taken during the American Civil War would have a creation date during that epoch (1861-1865) rather than the date the photo was digitized for archiving. |
Headline | Headline | Text | XmpText | External | Headline. |
Country | Country | Text | XmpText | External | Country/primary location. |
State | State | Text | XmpText | External | Province/state. |
City | City | Text | XmpText | External | City. |
Credit | Credit | Text | XmpText | External | Credit. |
AuthorsPosition | Authors Position | Text | XmpText | External | By-line title. |
CaptionWriter | Caption Writer | ProperName | XmpText | External | Writer/editor. |
Category | Category | Text | XmpText | External | Category. Limited to 3 7-bit ASCII characters. |
Instructions | Instructions | Text | XmpText | External | Special instructions. |
Source | Source | Text | XmpText | External | Source. |
SupplementalCategories | Supplemental Categories | bag Text | XmpBag | External | Supplemental category. |
TransmissionReference | Transmission Reference | Text | XmpText | External | Original transmission reference. |
Urgency | Urgency | Integer | XmpText | External | Urgency. Valid range is 1-8. |
ICCProfile | ICC Profile | Text | XmpText | Internal | The colour profile, such as AppleRGB, AdobeRGB1998. |
ColorMode | Color Mode | Closed Choice of Integer | XmpText | Internal | The colour mode. One of: 0 = Bitmap, 1 = Grayscale, 2 = Indexed, 3 = RGB, 4 = CMYK, 7 = Multichannel, 8 = Duotone, 9 = Lab. |
AncestorID | Ancestor ID | URI | XmpText | External | The unique identifier of a document. |
DocumentAncestors | Document Ancestors | bag Ancestor | XmpBag | External | If the source document for a copy-and-paste or place operation has a document ID, that ID is added to this list in the destination document's XMP. |
History | History | Text | XmpText | External | The history that appears in the FileInfo panel, if activated in the application preferences. |
TextLayers | Text Layers | seq Layer | XmpSeq | External | If a document has text layers, this property caches the text for each layer. |
LayerName | Layer Name | Text | XmpText | External | The identifying name of the text layer. |
LayerText | Layer Text | Text | XmpText | External | The text content of the text layer. |
EmbeddedXMPDigest | Embedded XMP Digest | Text | XmpText | External | Embedded XMP Digest. |
LegacyIPTCDigest | Legacy IPTC Digest | Text | XmpText | External | Legacy IPTC Digest. |
SidecarForExtension | Sidecar F or Extension | Text | XmpText | External | Filename extension of associated image file. |