Photoshop Schema

This schema specifies XMP properties used by Adobe Photoshop.

Reference: XMP Specification and Documentation

Property Label Value type Exiv2 type Category Description
DateCreated Date Created Date XmpText External The date the intellectual content of the document was created (rather than the creation date of the physical representation), following IIM conventions. For example, a photo taken during the American Civil War would have a creation date during that epoch (1861-1865) rather than the date the photo was digitized for archiving.
Headline Headline Text XmpText External Headline.
Country Country Text XmpText External Country/primary location.
State State Text XmpText External Province/state.
City City Text XmpText External City.
Credit Credit Text XmpText External Credit.
AuthorsPosition Authors Position Text XmpText External By-line title.
CaptionWriter Caption Writer ProperName XmpText External Writer/editor.
Category Category Text XmpText External Category. Limited to 3 7-bit ASCII characters.
Instructions Instructions Text XmpText External Special instructions.
Source Source Text XmpText External Source.
SupplementalCategories Supplemental Categories bag Text XmpBag External Supplemental category.
TransmissionReference Transmission Reference Text XmpText External Original transmission reference.
Urgency Urgency Integer XmpText External Urgency. Valid range is 1-8.
ICCProfile ICC Profile Text XmpText Internal The colour profile, such as AppleRGB, AdobeRGB1998.
ColorMode Color Mode Closed Choice of Integer XmpText Internal The colour mode. One of: 0 = Bitmap, 1 = Grayscale, 2 = Indexed, 3 = RGB, 4 = CMYK, 7 = Multichannel, 8 = Duotone, 9 = Lab.
AncestorID Ancestor ID URI XmpText External The unique identifier of a document.
DocumentAncestors Document Ancestors bag Ancestor XmpBag External If the source document for a copy-and-paste or place operation has a document ID, that ID is added to this list in the destination document's XMP.
History History Text XmpText External The history that appears in the FileInfo panel, if activated in the application preferences.
TextLayers Text Layers seq Layer XmpSeq External If a document has text layers, this property caches the text for each layer.
LayerName Layer Name Text XmpText External The identifying name of the text layer.
LayerText Layer Text Text XmpText External The text content of the text layer.
EmbeddedXMPDigest Embedded XMP Digest Text XmpText External Embedded XMP Digest.
LegacyIPTCDigest Legacy IPTC Digest Text XmpText External Legacy IPTC Digest.
SidecarForExtension Sidecar F or Extension Text XmpText External Filename extension of associated image file.